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The Count of Monte Cristo

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While he was yet at the door of the study he heard the bedroom door
open, turned, and saw his father. Instead of going direct to his study,
M. Morrel had returned to his bed-chamber, which he was only this moment
quitting. Morrel uttered a cry of surprise at the sight of his son,
of whose arrival he was ignorant. He remained motionless on the spot,
pressing with his left hand something he had concealed under his coat.
Maximilian sprang down the staircase, and threw his arms round his
father's neck; but suddenly he recoiled, and placed his right hand on
Morrel's breast. "Father," he exclaimed, turning pale as death, "what
are you going to do with that brace of pistols under your coat?"

"Oh, this is what I feared!" said Morrel.

"Father, father, in heaven's name," exclaimed the young man, "what are
these weapons for?"

"Maximilian," replied Morrel, looking fixedly at his son, "you are a
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