but to Emmanuel. She hastened down and told him what had occurred on the
day when the agent of Thomson & French had come to her father's, related
the scene on the staircase, repeated the promise she had made, and
showed him the letter. "You must go, then, mademoiselle," said Emmanuel.
"Go there?" murmured Julie.
"Yes; I will accompany you."
"But did you not read that I must be alone?" said Julie.
"And you shall be alone," replied the young man. "I will await you at
the corner of the Rue de Musee, and if you are so long absent as to make
me uneasy, I will hasten to rejoin you, and woe to him of whom you shall
have cause to complain to me!"
"Then, Emmanuel?" said the young girl with hesitation, "it is your
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