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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Read this letter," he said, handing it to her. Julie hesitated. "It
concerns the best interests of your father," said the messenger.

The young girl hastily took the letter from him. She opened it quickly
and read:--

"Go this moment to the Allees de Meillan, enter the house No. 15,
ask the porter for the key of the room on the fifth floor, enter the
apartment, take from the corner of the mantelpiece a purse netted in red
silk, and give it to your father. It is important that he should receive
it before eleven o'clock. You promised to obey me implicitly. Remember
your oath.

"Sinbad the Sailor."

The young girl uttered a joyful cry, raised her eyes, looked round to
question the messenger, but he had disappeared. She cast her eyes
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