"Come in, come in," said Morrel, "for I presume you are all at the
Scarcely had he uttered those words than Madame Morrel entered weeping
bitterly. Emmanuel followed her, and in the antechamber were visible the
rough faces of seven or eight half-naked sailors. At the sight of these
men the Englishman started and advanced a step; then restrained himself,
and retired into the farthest and most obscure corner of the apartment.
Madame Morrel sat down by her husband and took one of his hands in hers,
Julie still lay with her head on his shoulder, Emmanuel stood in the
centre of the chamber and seemed to form the link between Morrel's
family and the sailors at the door.
"How did this happen?" said Morrel.
"Draw nearer, Penelon," said the young man, "and tell us all about it."
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