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The Count of Monte Cristo

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quietly enough at the Catalans, but Napoleon returned, a special levy
was made, and Fernand was compelled to join. I went too; but as I was
older than Fernand, and had just married my poor wife, I was only sent
to the coast. Fernand was enrolled in the active troop, went to the
frontier with his regiment, and was at the battle of Ligny. The night
after that battle he was sentry at the door of a general who carried on
a secret correspondence with the enemy. That same night the general
was to go over to the English. He proposed to Fernand to accompany him;
Fernand agreed to do so, deserted his post, and followed the general.
Fernand would have been court-martialed if Napoleon had remained on
the throne, but his action was rewarded by the Bourbons. He returned to
France with the epaulet of sub-lieutenant, and as the protection of
the general, who is in the highest favor, was accorded to him, he was
a captain in 1823, during the Spanish war--that is to say, at the time
when Danglars made his early speculations. Fernand was a Spaniard, and
being sent to Spain to ascertain the feeling of his fellow-countrymen,
found Danglars there, got on very intimate terms with him, won over the
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