consent; but the old man resisted, and cried so that they were actually
frightened. Mercedes remained, therefore, by his bedside, and M. Morrel
went away, making a sign to the Catalan that he had left his purse on
the chimney-piece. But availing himself of the doctor's order, the old
man would not take any sustenance; at length (after nine days of despair
and fasting), the old man died, cursing those who had caused his misery,
and saying to Mercedes, 'If you ever see my Edmond again, tell him I die
blessing him.'" The abbe rose from his chair, made two turns round the
chamber, and pressed his trembling hand against his parched throat. "And
you believe he died"--
"Of hunger, sir, of hunger," said Caderousse. "I am as certain of it as
that we two are Christians."
The abbe, with a shaking hand, seized a glass of water that was standing
by him half-full, swallowed it at one gulp, and then resumed his seat,
with red eyes and pale cheeks. "This was, indeed, a horrid event." said
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