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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Do you believe it?"

"Why, surely a man of his holy profession would not deceive us!"

"Well," replied La Carconte, "do as you like. For my part, I wash my
hands of the affair." So saying, she once more climbed the staircase
leading to her chamber, her body convulsed with chills, and her teeth
rattling in her head, in spite of the intense heat of the weather.
Arrived at the top stair, she turned round, and called out, in a warning
tone, to her husband, "Gaspard, consider well what you are about to do!"

"I have both reflected and decided," answered he. La Carconte then
entered her chamber, the flooring of which creaked beneath her heavy,
uncertain tread, as she proceeded towards her arm-chair, into which she
fell as though exhausted.

"Well," asked the abbe, as he returned to the apartment below, "what
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