"Well, wife," replied Caderousse, "I don't know but what you're right!"
"So you will say nothing?" asked the abbe.
"Why, what good would it do?" asked Caderousse. "If the poor lad were
living, and came to me and begged that I would candidly tell which
were his true and which his false friends, why, perhaps, I should not
hesitate. But you tell me he is no more, and therefore can have nothing
to do with hatred or revenge, so let all such feeling be buried with
"You prefer, then," said the abbe, "that I should bestow on men you say
are false and treacherous, the reward intended for faithful friendship?"
"That is true enough," returned Caderousse. "You say truly, the gift
of poor Edmond was not meant for such traitors as Fernand and Danglars;
besides, what would it be to them? no more than a drop of water in the
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