The name of one of the four friends is Caderousse.'" The inn-keeper
"'Another of the number,'" continued the abbe, without seeming to notice
the emotion of Caderousse, "'is called Danglars; and the third, in spite
of being my rival, entertained a very sincere affection for me.'" A
fiendish smile played over the features of Caderousse, who was about to
break in upon the abbe's speech, when the latter, waving his hand, said,
"Allow me to finish first, and then if you have any observations to
make, you can do so afterwards. 'The third of my friends, although
my rival, was much attached to me,--his name was Fernand; that of my
betrothed was'--Stay, stay," continued the abbe, "I have forgotten what
he called her."
"Mercedes," said Caderousse eagerly.
"True," said the abbe, with a stifled sigh, "Mercedes it was."
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