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The Count of Monte Cristo

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asked you was said to bear the name of Edmond."

"Said to bear the name!" repeated Caderousse, becoming excited and
eager. "Why, he was so called as truly as I myself bore the appellation
of Gaspard Caderousse; but tell me, I pray, what has become of poor
Edmond? Did you know him? Is he alive and at liberty? Is he prosperous
and happy?"

"He died a more wretched, hopeless, heart-broken prisoner than the
felons who pay the penalty of their crimes at the galleys of Toulon."

A deadly pallor followed the flush on the countenance of Caderousse, who
turned away, and the priest saw him wiping the tears from his eyes with
the corner of the red handkerchief twisted round his head.

"Poor fellow, poor fellow!" murmured Caderousse. "Well, there, sir, is
another proof that good people are never rewarded on this earth, and
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