scrutiny on the part of the inn-keeper; then, observing in the
countenance of the latter no other expression than extreme surprise at
his own want of attention to an inquiry so courteously worded, he deemed
it as well to terminate this dumb show, and therefore said, speaking
with a strong Italian accent, "You are, I presume, M. Caderousse?"
"Yes, sir," answered the host, even more surprised at the question
than he had been by the silence which had preceded it; "I am Gaspard
Caderousse, at your service."
"Gaspard Caderousse," rejoined the priest. "Yes,--Christian and surname
are the same. You formerly lived, I believe in the Allees de Meillan, on
the fourth floor?"
"I did."
"And you followed the business of a tailor?"
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