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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"But you'll die of hunger," said the patron.

"I would rather do so," was Edmond reply, "than suffer the inexpressible
agonies which the slightest movement causes me." The patron turned
towards his vessel, which was rolling on the swell in the little harbor,
and, with sails partly set, would be ready for sea when her toilet
should be completed.

"What are we to do, Maltese?" asked the captain. "We cannot leave you
here so, and yet we cannot stay."

"Go, go!" exclaimed Dantes.

"We shall be absent at least a week," said the patron, "and then we must
run out of our course to come here and take you up again."

"Why," said Dantes, "if in two or three days you hail any fishing-boat,
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