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The Count of Monte Cristo

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quite contrary to what Napoleon desired so soon as he had a son born to
him, wished for a partition of provinces) had their eyes on me; and my
hasty departure, the cause of which they were unable to guess, having
aroused their suspicions, I was arrested at the very moment I was
leaving Piombino.

"Now," continued Faria, addressing Dantes with an almost paternal
expression, "now, my dear fellow, you know as much as I do myself. If
we ever escape together, half this treasure is yours; if I die here, and
you escape alone, the whole belongs to you."

"But," inquired Dantes hesitating, "has this treasure no more legitimate
possessor in the world than ourselves?"

"No, no, be easy on that score; the family is extinct. The last Count
of Spada, moreover, made me his heir, bequeathing to me this symbolic
breviary, he bequeathed to me all it contained; no, no, make your mind
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