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The Count of Monte Cristo

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in the fire itself, and opened the crumpled paper with inexpressible
emotion, recognizing, when I had done so, that these characters had been
traced in mysterious and sympathetic ink, only appearing when exposed to
the fire; nearly one-third of the paper had been consumed by the flame.
It was that paper you read this morning; read it again, Dantes, and then
I will complete for you the incomplete words and unconnected sense."

Faria, with an air of triumph, offered the paper to Dantes, who this
time read the following words, traced with an ink of a reddish color
resembling rust:--

     "This 25th day of April, 1498, be...
     Alexander VI., and fearing that not...
     he may desire to become my heir, and re...
     and Bentivoglio, who were poisoned,...
     my sole heir, that I have bu...
     and has visited with me, that is, in...
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