"The heirs sought everywhere, admired the breviary, laid hands on the
furniture, and were greatly astonished that Spada, the rich man, was
really the most miserable of uncles--no treasures--unless they were
those of science, contained in the library and laboratories. That was
all. Caesar and his father searched, examined, scrutinized, but found
nothing, or at least very little; not exceeding a few thousand crowns in
plate, and about the same in ready money; but the nephew had time to say
to his wife before he expired: 'Look well among my uncle's papers; there
is a will.'
"They sought even more thoroughly than the august heirs had done, but it
was fruitless. There were two palaces and a vineyard behind the Palatine
Hill; but in these days landed property had not much value, and the two
palaces and the vineyard remained to the family since they were beneath
the rapacity of the pope and his son. Months and years rolled on.
Alexander VI. died, poisoned,--you know by what mistake. Caesar,
poisoned at the same time, escaped by shedding his skin like a snake;
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