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The Count of Monte Cristo

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nobility; both felt the high honor of such a favor from the pope.
They were ambitious, and Caesar Borgia soon found purchasers for their
appointments. The result was, that Rospigliosi and Spada paid for being
cardinals, and eight other persons paid for the offices the cardinals
held before their elevation, and thus eight hundred thousand crowns
entered into the coffers of the speculators.

"It is time now to proceed to the last part of the speculation. The pope
heaped attentions upon Rospigliosi and Spada, conferred upon them the
insignia of the cardinalate, and induced them to arrange their affairs
and take up their residence at Rome. Then the pope and Caesar Borgia
invited the two cardinals to dinner. This was a matter of dispute
between the holy father and his son. Caesar thought they could make use
of one of the means which he always had ready for his friends, that is
to say, in the first place, the famous key which was given to certain
persons with the request that they go and open a designated cupboard.
This key was furnished with a small iron point,--a negligence on the
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