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The Count of Monte Cristo

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his trouble, "that if I were not a captain"--

"Eh--eh!" said Caderousse, shaking his head.

"Come, come," said the sailor, "I have a better opinion than you of
women in general, and of Mercedes in particular; and I am certain that,
captain or not, she will remain ever faithful to me."

"So much the better--so much the better," said Caderousse. "When one
is going to be married, there is nothing like implicit confidence; but
never mind that, my boy,--go and announce your arrival, and let her know
all your hopes and prospects."

"I will go directly," was Edmond's reply; and, embracing his father, and
nodding to Caderousse, he left the apartment.

Caderousse lingered for a moment, then taking leave of old Dantes, he
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