in the way of his successor, to the employee who keeps his rival out of
a place. Now, in the event of the king's death, his successor inherits a
crown,--when the employee dies, the supernumerary steps into his shoes,
and receives his salary of twelve thousand livres. Well, these twelve
thousand livres are his civil list, and are as essential to him as the
twelve millions of a king. Every one, from the highest to the lowest
degree, has his place on the social ladder, and is beset by stormy
passions and conflicting interests, as in Descartes' theory of pressure
and impulsion. But these forces increase as we go higher, so that we
have a spiral which in defiance of reason rests upon the apex and not on
the base. Now let us return to your particular world. You say you were
on the point of being made captain of the Pharaon?"
"And about to become the husband of a young and lovely girl?"
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