"Of course," said he; "of what else should I speak?"
"Mr. Inspector," continued the governor, "I can tell you the story as
well as he, for it has been dinned in my ears for the last four or five
"That proves," returned the abbe, "that you are like those of Holy Writ,
who having ears hear not, and having eyes see not."
"My dear sir, the government is rich and does not want your treasures,"
replied the inspector; "keep them until you are liberated." The abbe's
eyes glistened; he seized the inspector's hand.
"But what if I am not liberated," cried he, "and am detained here until
my death? this treasure will be lost. Had not government better profit
by it? I will offer six millions, and I will content myself with the
rest, if they will only give me my liberty."
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