entertain you to-night. Vampa, when this man is satisfied, let him be
free." Danglars remained prostrate while the count withdrew; when he
raised his head he saw disappearing down the passage nothing but
a shadow, before which the bandits bowed. According to the count's
directions, Danglars was waited on by Vampa, who brought him the best
wine and fruits of Italy; then, having conducted him to the road, and
pointed to the post-chaise, left him leaning against a tree. He remained
there all night, not knowing where he was. When daylight dawned he saw
that he was near a stream; he was thirsty, and dragged himself towards
it. As he stooped down to drink, he saw that his hair had become
entirely white.
Chapter 117. The Fifth of October.
It was about six o'clock in the evening; an opal-colored light, through
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