"And cooks?"
"Well, a fowl, fish, game,--it signifies little, so that I eat."
"As your excellency pleases. You mentioned a fowl, I think?"
"Yes, a fowl." Peppino, turning around, shouted, "A fowl for his
excellency!" His voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome,
graceful, and half-naked young man appeared, bearing a fowl in a silver
dish on his head, without the assistance of his hands. "I could almost
believe myself at the Cafe de Paris," murmured Danglars.
"Here, your excellency," said Peppino, taking the fowl from the young
bandit and placing it on the worm-eaten table, which with the stool
and the goat-skin bed formed the entire furniture of the cell. Danglars
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