forth an odor which was extremely unpleasant to Danglars. "Faugh!" he
exclaimed, retreating to the farther corner of his cell.
At twelve this man was replaced by another functionary, and Danglars,
wishing to catch sight of his new guardian, approached the door again.
He was an athletic, gigantic bandit, with large eyes, thick lips, and
a flat nose; his red hair fell in dishevelled masses like snakes around
his shoulders. "Ah, ha," cried Danglars, "this fellow is more like an
ogre than anything else; however, I am rather too old and tough to be
very good eating!" We see that Danglars was collected enough to jest; at
the same time, as though to disprove the ogreish propensities, the man
took some black bread, cheese, and onions from his wallet, which he
began devouring voraciously. "May I be hanged," said Danglars, glancing
at the bandit's dinner through the crevices of the door,--"may I be
hanged if I can understand how people can eat such filth!" and he
withdrew to seat himself upon his goat-skin, which reminded him of the
smell of the brandy.
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