of strangers. These recollections were dwelt upon with some pleasure
by Danglars, and restored him to some degree of tranquillity. Since the
bandits had not despatched him at once, he felt that they would not kill
him at all. They had arrested him for the purpose of robbery, and as he
had only a few louis about him, he doubted not he would be ransomed.
He remembered that Morcerf had been taxed at 4,000 crowns, and as he
considered himself of much greater importance than Morcerf he fixed
his own price at 8,000 crowns. Eight thousand crowns amounted to 48,000
livres; he would then have about 5,050,000 francs left. With this sum he
could manage to keep out of difficulties. Therefore, tolerably secure in
being able to extricate himself from his position, provided he were not
rated at the unreasonable sum of 5,050,000 francs, he stretched himself
on his bed, and after turning over two or three times, fell asleep with
the tranquillity of the hero whose life Luigi Vampa was studying.
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