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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Ah," said Morrel, "one quits a dungeon in a week, a month, or a year."

"He remained there fourteen years, Morrel," said the count, placing his
hand on the young man's shoulder. Maximilian shuddered.

"Fourteen years!" he muttered--"Fourteen years!" repeated the count.
"During that time he had many moments of despair. He also, Morrel, like
you, considered himself the unhappiest of men."

"Well?" asked Morrel.

"Well, at the height of his despair God assisted him through human
means. At first, perhaps, he did not recognize the infinite mercy of the
Lord, but at last he took patience and waited. One day he miraculously
left the prison, transformed, rich, powerful. His first cry was for his
father; but that father was dead."

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