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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Here," said he, leaning heavily on the arm of Monte Cristo,--"here is
the spot where my father stopped, when the Pharaon entered the port; it
was here that the good old man, whom you saved from death and dishonor,
threw himself into my arms. I yet feel his warm tears on my face, and
his were not the only tears shed, for many who witnessed our meeting
wept also." Monte Cristo gently smiled and said,--"I was there;" at the
same time pointing to the corner of a street. As he spoke, and in the
very direction he indicated, a groan, expressive of bitter grief, was
heard, and a woman was seen waving her hand to a passenger on board the
vessel about to sail. Monte Cristo looked at her with an emotion that
must have been remarked by Morrel had not his eyes been fixed on the

"Oh, heavens!" exclaimed Morrel, "I do not deceive myself--that young
man who is waving his hat, that youth in the uniform of a lieutenant, is
Albert de Morcerf!"

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