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The Count of Monte Cristo

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hour of his arrest, he breathed his last in Mercedes' arms. M. Morrel
paid the expenses of his funeral, and a few small debts the poor old man
had contracted.

There was more than benevolence in this action; there was courage; the
south was aflame, and to assist, even on his death-bed, the father of so
dangerous a Bonapartist as Dantes, was stigmatized as a crime.

Chapter 14. The Two Prisoners.

A year after Louis XVIII.'s restoration, a visit was made by the
inspector-general of prisons. Dantes in his cell heard the noise of
preparation,--sounds that at the depth where he lay would have been
inaudible to any but the ear of a prisoner, who could hear the splash of
the drop of water that every hour fell from the roof of his dungeon. He
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