added? My wife and child shall escape from this gulf, carrying treasures
with them; she will live and may yet be happy, since her child, in whom
all her love is centred, will be with her. I shall have performed a good
action, and my heart will be lighter." And the procureur breathed more
freely than he had done for some time.
The carriage stopped at the door of the house. Villefort leaped out
of the carriage, and saw that his servants were surprised at his early
return; he could read no other expression on their features. Neither of
them spoke to him; they merely stood aside to let him pass by, as usual,
nothing more. As he passed by M. Noirtier's room, he perceived two
figures through the half-open door; but he experienced no curiosity to
know who was visiting his father: anxiety carried him on further.
"Come," he said, as he ascended the stairs leading to his wife's room,
"nothing is changed here." He then closed the door of the landing.
"No one must disturb us," he said; "I must speak freely to her, accuse
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