"Accused," said the president, "your name and surname?" Andrea arose.
"Excuse me, Mr. President," he said, in a clear voice, "but I see you
are going to adopt a course of questions through which I cannot follow
you. I have an idea, which I will explain by and by, of making an
exception to the usual form of accusation. Allow me, then, if you
please, to answer in different order, or I will not do so at all."
The astonished president looked at the jury, who in turn looked at
Villefort. The whole assembly manifested great surprise, but Andrea
appeared quite unmoved. "Your age?" said the president; "will you answer
that question?"
"I will answer that question, as well as the rest, Mr. President, but in
its turn."
"Your age?" repeated the president.
"I am twenty-one years old, or rather I shall be in a few days, as I was
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