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The Count of Monte Cristo

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added Villefort, extending his hand toward her, as though to seize her
in the name of justice. "You have accomplished these different crimes
with impudent address, but which could only deceive those whose
affections for you blinded them. Since the death of Madame de
Saint-Meran, I have known that a poisoner lived in my house. M.
d'Avrigny warned me of it. After the death of Barrois my suspicions were
directed towards an angel,--those suspicions which, even when there
is no crime, are always alive in my heart; but after the death of
Valentine, there has been no doubt in my mind, madame, and not only in
mine, but in those of others; thus your crime, known by two persons,
suspected by many, will soon become public, and, as I told you just now,
you no longer speak to the husband, but to the judge."

The young woman hid her face in her hands. "Oh, sir," she stammered, "I
beseech you, do not believe appearances."

"Are you, then, a coward?" cried Villefort, in a contemptuous voice.
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