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The Count of Monte Cristo

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endeavoring to read her husband's inmost thoughts, while a smile passed
over her countenance which froze the impassibility of Villefort; "what
is the matter?"

"Madame, where do you keep the poison you generally use?" said the
magistrate, without any introduction, placing himself between his wife
and the door.

Madame de Villefort must have experienced something of the sensation of
a bird which, looking up, sees the murderous trap closing over its head.
A hoarse, broken tone, which was neither a cry nor a sigh, escaped from
her, while she became deadly pale. "Monsieur," she said, "I--I do not
understand you." And, in her first paroxysm of terror, she had raised
herself from the sofa, in the next, stronger very likely than the other,
she fell down again on the cushions. "I asked you," continued Villefort,
in a perfectly calm tone, "where you conceal the poison by the aid
of which you have killed my father-in-law, M. de Saint-Meran, my
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