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The Count of Monte Cristo

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last fifteen years, till extraordinary and unexpected catastrophes
have suddenly overturned it,--without any fault of mine, I can honestly
declare. You, madame, have only sought to increase your own, and I am
convinced that you have succeeded. I leave you, therefore, as I took
you,--rich, but little respected. Adieu! I also intend from this time
to work on my own account. Accept my acknowledgments for the example you
have set me, and which I intend following.

"Your very devoted husband,

"Baron Danglars."

The baroness had watched Debray while he read this long and painful
letter, and saw him, notwithstanding his self-control, change color
once or twice. When he had ended the perusal, he folded the letter and
resumed his pensive attitude. "Well?" asked Madame Danglars, with an
anxiety easy to be understood.
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