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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Do you not guess, monsieur?" asked Morrel.

"Not in the least; but if I can serve you in any way I shall be

"Everything depends on you."

"Explain yourself, pray."

"Monsieur," said Morrel, recovering his assurance as he proceeded, "do
you recollect that a few days before the landing of his majesty the
emperor, I came to intercede for a young man, the mate of my ship, who
was accused of being concerned in correspondence with the Island of
Elba? What was the other day a crime is to-day a title to favor. You
then served Louis XVIII., and you did not show any favor--it was your
duty; to-day you serve Napoleon, and you ought to protect him--it is
equally your duty; I come, therefore, to ask what has become of him?"
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