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The Count of Monte Cristo

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allow me to do the same to the others?"

"Pray do so."

There was a moment's silence, during which the noise of the banker's pen
was alone heard, while Monte Cristo examined the gilt mouldings on the
ceiling. "Are they Spanish, Haitian, or Neapolitan bonds?" said Monte
Cristo. "No," said Danglars, smiling, "they are bonds on the bank of
France, payable to bearer. Stay, count," he added, "you, who may be
called the emperor, if I claim the title of king of finance, have you
many pieces of paper of this size, each worth a million?" The count took
into his hands the papers, which Danglars had so proudly presented to
him, and read:--

"To the Governor of the Bank. Please pay to my order, from the fund
deposited by me, the sum of a million, and charge the same to my
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