Then she went to the fireplace and lit the fire, and although she
had just left her bed, she could not resist the temptation offered by
Valentine's sleep, so she threw herself into an arm-chair to snatch a
little more rest. The clock striking eight awoke her. Astonished at the
prolonged slumber of the patient, and frightened to see that the arm was
still hanging out of the bed, she advanced towards Valentine, and for
the first time noticed the white lips. She tried to replace the arm, but
it moved with a frightful rigidity which could not deceive a sick-nurse.
She screamed aloud; then running to the door exclaimed,--"Help, help!"
"What is the matter?" asked M. d'Avrigny, at the foot of the stairs, it
being the hour he usually visited her.
"What is it?" asked Villefort, rushing from his room. "Doctor, do you
hear them call for help?"
"Yes, yes; let us hasten up; it was in Valentine's room." But before the
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