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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Well, I own it."

"I will answer you."

Villefort drew his armchair nearer to Madame Danglars; then resting both
hands upon his desk he said in a voice more hollow than usual: "There
are crimes which remain unpunished because the criminals are unknown,
and we might strike the innocent instead of the guilty; but when the
culprits are discovered" (Villefort here extended his hand toward a
large crucifix placed opposite to his desk)--"when they are discovered,
I swear to you, by all I hold most sacred, that whoever they may be they
shall die. Now, after the oath I have just taken, and which I will keep,
madame, dare you ask for mercy for that wretch!"

"But, sir, are you sure he is as guilty as they say?"

"Listen; this is his description: 'Benedetto, condemned, at the age of
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