"Well, I have business with the procureur."
"Is it pressing business?"
"You can imagine so, since I have not even brought my carriage out yet.
But enough of this--here is my card, take it to your master."
"Madame will await my return?"
"Yes; go." The concierge closed the door, leaving Madame Danglars in
the street. She had not long to wait; directly afterwards the door was
opened wide enough to admit her, and when she had passed through, it was
again shut. Without losing sight of her for an instant, the concierge
took a whistle from his pocket as soon as they entered the court, and
blew it. The valet de chambre appeared on the door-steps. "You will
excuse this poor fellow, madame," he said, as he preceded the baroness,
"but his orders are precise, and M. de Villefort begged me to tell you
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