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The Count of Monte Cristo

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dipped the pen in the ink, and wrote the following lines upon a sheet of

"I have no money to pay my bill, but I am not a dishonest man; I leave
behind me as a pledge this pin, worth ten times the amount. I shall be
excused for leaving at daybreak, for I was ashamed."

He then drew the pin from his cravat and placed it on the paper. This
done, instead of leaving the door fastened, he drew back the bolts and
even placed the door ajar, as though he had left the room, forgetting
to close it, and slipping into the chimney like a man accustomed to that
kind of gymnastic exercise, having effaced the marks of his feet upon
the floor, he commenced climbing the only opening which afforded him
the means of escape. At this precise time, the first gendarme Andrea
had noticed walked up-stairs, preceded by the commissary of police,
and supported by the second gendarme who guarded the staircase and was
himself re-enforced by the one stationed at the door.
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