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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I am looking at you; indeed you are adorable like that! One would say
you were carrying me off."

"And they would be right, pardieu!"

"Oh, I think you swore, Eugenie." And the two young girls, whom every
one might have thought plunged in grief, the one on her own account, the
other from interest in her friend, burst out laughing, as they cleared
away every visible trace of the disorder which had naturally accompanied
the preparations for their escape. Then, having blown out the lights,
the two fugitives, looking and listening eagerly, with outstretched
necks, opened the door of a dressing-room which led by a side staircase
down to the yard,--Eugenie going first, and holding with one arm
the portmanteau, which by the opposite handle Mademoiselle d'Armilly
scarcely raised with both hands. The yard was empty; the clock was
striking twelve. The porter was not yet gone to bed. Eugenie approached
softly, and saw the old man sleeping soundly in an arm-chair in his
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