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The Count of Monte Cristo

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superfluous, but every requisite. Then, with a promptitude which
indicated that this was not the first time she had amused herself by
adopting the garb of the opposite sex, Eugenie drew on the boots and
pantaloons, tied her cravat, buttoned her waistcoat up to the throat,
and put on a coat which admirably fitted her beautiful figure. "Oh, that
is very good--indeed, it is very good!" said Louise, looking at her with
admiration; "but that beautiful black hair, those magnificent braids,
which made all the ladies sigh with envy,--will they go under a man's
hat like the one I see down there?"

"You shall see," said Eugenie. And with her left hand seizing the thick
mass, which her long fingers could scarcely grasp, she took in her right
hand a pair of long scissors, and soon the steel met through the rich
and splendid hair, which fell in a cluster at her feet as she leaned
back to keep it from her coat. Then she grasped the front hair, which
she also cut off, without expressing the least regret; on the contrary,
her eyes sparkled with greater pleasure than usual under her ebony
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