to heap into a trunk all the things they thought they should require.
"There now," said Eugenie, "while I change my costume do you lock the
portmanteau." Louise pressed with all the strength of her little hands
on the top of the portmanteau. "But I cannot," said she; "I am not
strong enough; do you shut it."
"Ah, you do well to ask," said Eugenie, laughing; "I forgot that I was
Hercules, and you only the pale Omphale!" And the young girl, kneeling
on the top, pressed the two parts of the portmanteau together, and
Mademoiselle d'Armilly passed the bolt of the padlock through. When this
was done, Eugenie opened a drawer, of which she kept the key, and took
from it a wadded violet silk travelling cloak. "Here," said she, "you
see I have thought of everything; with this cloak you will not be cold."
"But you?"
"Oh, I am never cold, you know! Besides, with these men's clothes"--
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