Danglars and Mademoiselle Louise d'Armilly.
The betrothed had retired, as we said, with haughty air, disdainful lip,
and the demeanor of an outraged queen, followed by her companion, who
was paler and more disturbed than herself. On reaching her room Eugenie
locked her door, while Louise fell on a chair. "Ah, what a dreadful
thing," said the young musician; "who would have suspected it? M. Andrea
Cavalcanti a murderer--a galley-slave escaped--a convict!" An ironical
smile curled the lip of Eugenie. "In truth I was fated," said she. "I
escaped the Morcerf only to fall into the Cavalcanti."
"Oh, do not confound the two, Eugenie."
"Hold your tongue! The men are all infamous, and I am happy to be able
now to do more than detest them--I despise them."
"What shall we do?" asked Louise.
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