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The Count of Monte Cristo

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no one was listening,--"Do you," said he, "know anything of this young
lady's illness?"

"Yes," said the old man.

"We have no time to lose; I will question, and do you answer me."
Noirtier made a sign that he was ready to answer. "Did you anticipate
the accident which has happened to your granddaughter?"

"Yes." D'Avrigny reflected a moment; then approaching Noirtier,--"Pardon
what I am going to say," added he, "but no indication should be
neglected in this terrible situation. Did you see poor Barrois die?"
Noirtier raised his eyes to heaven. "Do you know of what he died!" asked
d'Avrigny, placing his hand on Noirtier's shoulder.

"Yes," replied the old man.

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