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The Count of Monte Cristo

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words:--"she is still alive!"

"Still?" cried Villefort; "oh, doctor, what a dreadful word is that."

"Yes," said the physician, "I repeat it; she is still alive, and I am
astonished at it."

"But is she safe?" asked the father.

"Yes, since she lives." At that moment d'Avrigny's glance met Noirtier's
eye. It glistened with such extraordinary joy, so rich and full of
thought, that the physician was struck. He placed the young girl again
on the chair,--her lips were scarcely discernible, they were so pale and
white, as well as her whole face,--and remained motionless, looking at
Noirtier, who appeared to anticipate and commend all he did. "Sir,"
said d'Avrigny to Villefort, "call Mademoiselle Valentine's maid, if you
please." Villefort went himself to find her; and d'Avrigny approached
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