who could not understand why he had disappeared, but who on seeing him
again, and feeling his teeth chatter and his legs sink under him, drew
back, and only stopped when he found a table to support his clinched
hand. "Fernand," cried he, "of my hundred names I need only tell you
one, to overwhelm you! But you guess it now, do you not?--or, rather,
you remember it? For, notwithstanding all my sorrows and my tortures,
I show you to-day a face which the happiness of revenge makes young
again--a face you must often have seen in your dreams since your
marriage with Mercedes, my betrothed!"
The general, with his head thrown back, hands extended, gaze fixed,
looked silently at this dreadful apparition; then seeking the wall to
support him, he glided along close to it until he reached the door,
through which he went out backwards, uttering this single mournful,
lamentable, distressing cry,--"Edmond Dantes!" Then, with sighs which
were unlike any human sound, he dragged himself to the door, reeled
across the court-yard, and falling into the arms of his valet, he said
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