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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I am ready, my son," said Mercedes. Albert ran to fetch a carriage. He
recollected that there was a small furnished house to let in the Rue de
Saints Peres, where his mother would find a humble but decent lodging,
and thither he intended conducting the countess. As the carriage stopped
at the door, and Albert was alighting, a man approached and gave him a
letter. Albert recognized the bearer. "From the count," said Bertuccio.
Albert took the letter, opened, and read it, then looked round for
Bertuccio, but he was gone. He returned to Mercedes with tears in his
eyes and heaving breast, and without uttering a word he gave her the
letter. Mercedes read:--

Albert,--While showing you that I have discovered your plans, I hope
also to convince you of my delicacy. You are free, you leave the count's
house, and you take your mother to your home; but reflect, Albert, you
owe her more than your poor noble heart can pay her. Keep the struggle
for yourself, bear all the suffering, but spare her the trial of poverty
which must accompany your first efforts; for she deserves not even
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