"Another hope defeated!" said the count. Then, with a sigh, "Poor
Haidee!" murmured he.
"To tell the truth, count, if I knew less of you, I should think that
you were less brave than you are."
"Because I sigh when thinking of some one I am leaving? Come, Morrel, it
is not like a soldier to be so bad a judge of courage. Do I regret life?
What is it to me, who have passed twenty years between life and death?
Moreover, do not alarm yourself, Morrel; this weakness, if it is such,
is betrayed to you alone. I know the world is a drawing-room, from which
we must retire politely and honestly; that is, with a bow, and our debts
of honor paid."
"That is to the purpose. Have you brought your arms?"
"I?--what for? I hope these gentlemen have theirs."
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