"Oh, my lord," said she, "why are you writing thus at such an hour? Why
are you bequeathing all your fortune to me? Are you going to leave me?"
"I am going on a journey, dear child," said Monte Cristo, with an
expression of infinite tenderness and melancholy; "and if any misfortune
should happen to me."
The count stopped. "Well?" asked the young girl, with an authoritative
tone the count had never observed before, and which startled him.
"Well, if any misfortune happen to me," replied Monte Cristo, "I wish
my daughter to be happy." Haidee smiled sorrowfully, and shook her head.
"Do you think of dying, my lord?" said she.
"The wise man, my child, has said, 'It is good to think of death.'"
"Well, if you die," said she, "bequeath your fortune to others, for if
you die I shall require nothing;" and, taking the paper, she tore it in
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