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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"You do not suppose that, publicly outraged in the face of a
whole theatre, in the presence of your friends and those of your
son--challenged by a boy who will glory in my forgiveness as if it were
a victory--you do not suppose that I can for one moment wish to live.
What I most loved after you, Mercedes, was myself, my dignity, and that
strength which rendered me superior to other men; that strength was my
life. With one word you have crushed it, and I die."

"But the duel will not take place, Edmond, since you forgive?"

"It will take place," said Monte Cristo, in a most solemn tone; "but
instead of your son's blood to stain the ground, mine will flow."
Mercedes shrieked, and sprang towards Monte Cristo, but, suddenly
stopping, "Edmond," said she, "there is a God above us, since you live
and since I have seen you again; I trust to him from my heart. While
waiting his assistance I trust to your word; you have said that my son
should live, have you not?"
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