majesty that the issue is in the hands of Providence; what your majesty
is pleased to attribute to me as profound perspicacity is simply owing
to chance, and I have profited by that chance, like a good and devoted
servant--that's all. Do not attribute to me more than I deserve, sire,
that your majesty may never have occasion to recall the first opinion
you have been pleased to form of me." The minister of police thanked
the young man by an eloquent look, and Villefort understood that he had
succeeded in his design; that is to say, that without forfeiting the
gratitude of the king, he had made a friend of one on whom, in case of
necessity, he might rely.
"'Tis well," resumed the king. "And now, gentlemen," he continued,
turning towards M. de Blacas and the minister of police, "I have no
further occasion for you, and you may retire; what now remains to do is
in the department of the minister of war."
"Fortunately, sire," said M. de Blacas, "we can rely on the army; your
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