"Sir," replied the young man, "honest men are not to be paid with such
coin. I require honorable guaranties."
"I am, sir, a living guaranty," replied Monte Cristo, motionless, but
with a threatening look; "we have both blood in our veins which we wish
to shed--that is our mutual guaranty. Tell the viscount so, and that
to-morrow, before ten o'clock, I shall see what color his is."
"Then I have only to make arrangements for the duel," said Beauchamp.
"It is quite immaterial to me," said Monte Cristo, "and it was very
unnecessary to disturb me at the opera for such a trifle. In France
people fight with the sword or pistol, in the colonies with the carbine,
in Arabia with the dagger. Tell your client that, although I am the
insulted party, in order to carry out my eccentricity, I leave him the
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